SEVEN² upgraded to 1.1.0

This upgrade solved the compatibility problem with iOS 5. The game is now playable on an iPad 1. 

The difficulty is re-balanced by tuning the frequency of “blue” letters (Z, X, Q). 

As visual feedback for game ending condition, an animated bar would appear when the letters are piled close to the top. 

The repeat popup achievement notification is now fixed. This update also fixed a seldom crash related to quick loading. 

After all, the app name is revised to be search engine friendly.

SEVEN² Released on App Store

SEVEN² (Seven Squared) is a brand new brain-teaser. This word puzzler has an unique minimalist-styled interface and is built to satisfy the player hungers for real challenge.

The game has a simple, relaxing, and addictive game play. On a board of 7² (49) tiles, you only need to link letters, score by making words and try your best to survive 7² (49) rounds. There is NO time limit. You can take as much time as you need to plan your next step.

Does it sound too easy? Think twice! You need to be careful in spelling every word, turning the difficult letters to your advantage and strategically position the falling letters to balance risk and reward.

Official website:²/


SEVEN² is recruiting beta testers (Finished)

SEVEN² (Seven Squared) is another brain teaser. This word puzzler has a unique interface in a minimalist style, and is built to satisfy the players hunger for real challenges.

Unlike other popular word games which offer diverse gameplay styles, SEVEN² only concentrate on just one gameplay – the puzzle mode. On a board of 7² (or 49) tiles, you only need to survive for 7² (or 49) rounds. There is NO time limit. You can take as much time as you want to plan your next step.

Does it sound too easy? Think twice! You need to be careful in spelling every word, turning the difficult letters to be your advantage, and manipulating the timing of the falling letters to balance risk and reward.

Although there is a lot of polishing work ahead, the game is almost finished. If you are interesting in joining the beta test program of this game, please submit your email using the form below. The invitations would be sent shortly via TestFlight when it’s ready. (Only iOS6 devices are supported right now)


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Submit your interest

Update: the beta test is now finished. Thank you very much for your participation!